Johan Junkka

I am a historical demographer at the Centre for Demographic and Ageing Research, Umeå University, working on the study of demographic processes and social networks. In my PhD dissertation, I studied the role of social networks for the Swedish fertility transition, specifically that of voluntary associations and spatial communities.

Investigates how social structures, climate, and disability shape historical population patterns and well-being.


CPFR_cover Namatovu, F., Gunfridsson, E. H., Junkka, J., & Vikström, L.(2024). The dynamic association between disability and parenthood in Sweden. In In Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research. (Vol. 27, pp. 115–129). Emerald Publishing Limited.

psp_cover Sundvall, S. & Junkka, J. (2024). Better off in the city? Economic outcomes of rural out-migration in Sweden - sibling study of cohorts 1960–1984. Population, Space and Place, e2765.

vienna yearbook_cover Junkka, J. & Hiltunen, M. (2024). Temperature- and seasonality-related infectious disease mortality among infants: A retrospective time-series study of Sweden, 1868-1892. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, 22.

ds_cover Vikström, L., Junkka, J., & Karhina, K. (2023). Two centuries of disability disadvantages in Swedish partnerships. Disability & Society, 1–27.

hpya_cover Eriksson, L., Junkka, J., Sandström, G., & Vikström, L. (2022). Supply or demand? Institutionalization of the mentally ill in the emerging Swedish welfare state, 1900–59. History of Psychiatry, 33(2), 180–199.

rout-cover.jpg Vikström, L., Karhina, K. and Junkka, J. (2022). Two Centuries of Inequalities: Disability and Partnership in Sweden. In Nico, M, Pollock, G (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Inequalities and the Life Course. Routledge: New York. 10.4324/9780429470059-14

ee-cover.jpg Karlsson, L., Junkka, J., Lundevaller, E. and Schumann, B. (2021). Ambient temperature and stillbirth risks in northern Sweden, 1880-1950. Environmental epidemiology. 5 (6). 10.1097/EE9.0000000000000176

pop-env.jpg Karlsson, L., Junkka, J., Schumann, B. and Lundevaller, E. (2021). Socioeconomic disparities in climate vulnerability: neonatal mortality in northern Sweden, 1880–1950. Population and Environment. 10.1007/s11111-021-00383-9

envir_r_cover.jpg Junkka, J., Karlsson, L., Lundevaller, E., and Schumann, B. (2021). Climate vulnerability of Swedish newborns: Gender differences and time trends of temperature-related neonatal mortality, 1880–1950. Environmental Research. 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110400

plosone_cover.png Junkka, J., Sandström, G. and Vikström, L. (2020). The emergence of social gaps in mental health: A longitudinal population study in Sweden, 1900-1959. PLOS ONE. 15 (4). 10.1371/journal.pone.0232462

ADH_cover.jpg Junkka, J. (2019). Spatial diffusion of fertility decline in northern Sweden, 1850-1950. Annales de Démographie Historique. 138(2). 10.3917/adh.138.0083

thesis-cover.png Vikström, L., Häggström Lundevaller, E., Junkka, J. and Haage, H. (2019). Ett annorlunda liv? Följder av funktionsnedsättningar i 1800-talets Sverige. Funktionsnedsättning i arbetsliv och välfärd, Försäkringskassan, Analys och prognos. 2019:01, 15-30.

thesis-cover.png Junkka, J. (2018) Membership in and Presence of Voluntary Organisations during the Swedish Fertility Transition, 1880-1949. Historical Life Course Studies. 5, 3-36. 10.51964/hlcs9335.

thesis-cover.png Junkka, J. (2018). Shared practices. Social networks and fertility decline during the Swedish demographic transition, 1850-1950. Umeå: Umeå University.

eujp.pic Junkka, J. (2018). Voluntary associations and net fertility during the Swedish demographic transition. European Journal of Population. 34(5). doi: 10.1007/s10680-018-9465-5

Reproducable analysis

hitofthefam.pic Junkka, J. and Edvinsson, S. (2016). Gender and fertility within the free churches in the Sundsvall region, Sweden, 1860-1921. The History of the Family. 21(2). doi: 10.1080/1081602X.2015.1043929

Authors copy and reproducable analysis


db2connect.pic db2connect - Interface for DB2 databases, using the RJDBC package. Integrates with RStudio database connections pane.

ehahelper.pic ehahelper - Event history analysis helper package for R, including predict and tidying functions for coxme.

hitmaps.pic Tesseract OCR boxfile web editor - Web app for editing tesseract OCR box files, using the leaflet maping library and leaflet.draw.

hitmaps.pic Fertility transition research topic analysis - An interactive exploration of topics in fertility transition research from an LDA analysis of a large collection of scientific abstracts published 1964-2014.

hitmaps.pic histmaps - A R data package of Swedish historical administrative boundaries for parishes and counties 1634-1990.

parish.pic swe-parish - Compilation of information on Swedish historical parishes.

bygdea.picBygdeå - a small village in Västerbotten. a dictionary for the minority language Meänkieli.

work.pic hisco - A R package for classification of HISCO codes to Historical social class systems.

mfrt.pic swe-mfrt - Visualization of marital fertility rates by county in Sweden.

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Until next time ♥